Starting A Voice Over Career – Part One

Starting A Voice Over Career – Part One

Posted by John in Articles

If you are asking yourself any of the following questions, then this two part article is for you;

– Do I have what it takes to make it as a Voice Actor?

– I have always been told I should do this

– I love cartoons – can I voice one?

– I don’t like my day job, can I do this part time?

– I’m looking for a second career

– I’m looking to make tons of money

– How do I get started?

– How much time will it take?

– How much will I have to invest?

– Can you get me a job right away?


Although rejection doesn’t sound all that appealing – it sounds like you are interested in joining the ranks of the Voice Employed.  Once an industry that no one really knew anything about, Voice Acting is fast becoming a house-hold name.  With it’s new found popularity the competition is quicly rising and finding full time wage in this industry is getting harder and harder.  Not impossible, but harder.


First off let’s figure out why you are interested in becoming a voice actor.  For many of you, you’re looking for that next career; a career that is easy, fun and pays the bills.  Others have been told that they have a unique voice and that they should voice for a living.  Some may be looking for a retirement income and others may already work in similar fields such as on-camera or theatre actors, broadcasters, people who work behind scenes in the entertainment industry etc.  Then you have those that are scouted.  Whether it’s an industry expert scouting them randomly, or friends, family and acquaintances telling them they should voice for a living.


So does it matter why you are joining this craft?  ABSOLUTELY!  If you are joining this field because you think it’s easy money – well think again.  It can be easy money at times, but it is EXTREMELY expensive and time consuming to launch a Voice career in today’s times.  You can’t just get a job instantly.  Some people take years of training and investment before they make any money at all.  Some people do it quicker, but on average it takes about 6-8 years for a company to truly grow, so it’s not a quick process for most.


If you are looking for a part time career, well this is possible, but not likely.  You need to be available consistently and that full time job that is paying your bills may get in the way of your flexibility.  It’s possible, but you have to work very hard at it.  It’s very important to know that if you have been scouted by someone, (whether consistently or just once), that doesn’t mean you should become a voice actor.  Even if it’s a casting company approaching you, just because they hear something in your voice, doesn’t mean that you will be a great voice talent and a great actor.  You might have the best voice ever heard, still doesn’t mean you know how to read copy.  In fact you could be the best mimic, or character creator in the world, but that doesn’t mean that you will know how to read someone else’s copy, or understand what is required of you in each genre of VO.


If you come from an acting or broadcasting background and want to add to your acting stable then this can be an excellent industry for you, but more than likely you will need to learn NEW skills yet again, in order to stand out in this field.


No matter your reasons, you must posess passion, (do you REALLY want to do this – if you’re not sure, then I wouldn’t bother), determination (you are going to have to learn to get aggressive and run a business all on your own), budget (this isn’t going to be cheap and if you cheap out – it will show in your results) and training (from a team of experts who know exactly what they are doing and don’t waste your time and money).


There is so much to consider when joining this insane world that it would probably take me a small book to break it all down for you.  For now I want to make sure you are in it for the right reasons.  Then we can take the next steps forward of where to go next.  Look for part 2 of this article series “Where to Start” to hear my suggestions for next steps.


If you need help to figure out where you fit in the industry, or to assess your personality and whether you should even pursue this industry, or where to take your career next, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  I offer assessment and personality sessions that are 100% effective guaranteed.  Mention this article and I will give you 10% off your assessment or personality session (in addition to your 10% VoiceActorTraining subscription discount – if applicable).

Until next time everyone

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out

All my best

VO Chef Deb

My Voice, Mixed Your Way!


08 Apr 2015 No Comments

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