DebCast VO Workout Series – Episode 2 – Directed Audition Session
VOChef Deb is cooking up something new in her Kitchen, so she wants to give away a FREE sampler.
This is an extremely RARE opportunity to watch VOChef Deb take direction in a live recording session. Join VOChef Deb and one of her clients as she takes you through the entire directed Audition Callback session. You get to hear both the director and Deb. You don’t want to miss this one!
Some highlights include:
– Client discusses casting specs regarding another project
– Client plays VO ref for Deb
– Watch as Deb Voices the callback audition and gets direction
– Learn from her physicality’s and VO choices
– Hear how the client thinks first hand
– Behind scenes conversation between writing dept and client
– Discover how Deb almost lost this job
This is just one of many in a series of videos to come. The DebCast VO Workout series, will get right to the point and share things with you, most talent wouldn’t want you to see. Learn what it’s like to work as VOChef Deb and put her recipe to work for you!